Presidential address: The alamo

Today, March 6, is one of the most important days in our history. On this day in 1836 about one hundred and fifty Americans died fighting for freedom on a piece of property that was not theirs, as they sought to claim Texas from a nation that did not have the ambition to settle and deveolop that territory.

Many people think the battle at the Alamo was just another attempt by the United States or American citizens to steal land that belonged to someone else. They feel that the Texans lusted for a fight, that they were hypocrites for believing in slavery while fighting for freedom.

All these points might be true. But there is something important to remember: the Texans had everything to gain economically if they won, but if they lost, and they knew they would lose, they would have died fighting for freedom and against injustice.

These men had faith in freedom, faith in America, faith in each other. They had faith in destiny, faith in justice and faith in several hundred other Texans and Americans who never showed up to help them. These men kept their faith, knowing they were fighting for something greater than themselves.

It is hard for today’s Americans to think that a bunch of drunks, wife leavers and vagabonds would die for something greater than themselves. But they are heroes.

They are heroes because they did more than run away from their problems and responsibilities. If they had no intention of paying their debts or sending the family out when they got rich in Texas, the fact that they died so others could come to Texas and get rich, or at least start a better life, redeemed them.

My fellow citizens, Western Civilization is founded upon redemption and freedom. Most of the men at the Alamo abused their freedom, but made up for it when they put their future money where their mouths were and died for it.

In America today, we too have abused our freedom. We have gotten fat and sassy. But unlike the men at the Alamo, our arrogance has not tranmsformed into courage.

We need faith in each other to rise to the ocassion to fight our own battle as the chips are down, to redeem ourselves from our acceptance of the tyranny my predecessors have imposed.

Now, a moment of silence, for the men who died at the Alamo.

Copyright © 2024 by David Vaszko

The President Speaks: Sexual assault awareness month

This evening I would like to address the nation regarding one of our most frightening problems. The problem is rape.

I know this is a sensitive topic for almost every woman. Women fear to walk alone at night or to be in a park alone in daylight.

A lot of people wonder why so many men rape. To some people rape is an example of the violence of Capitalism manifesting itself in our shopping areas and neighborhoods.

Other say that men are over-stimulated by pornography and sex in the media. Because they cannot realistically live a fantasy, their rage creates nightmares for women.

Another point of view is that since men are psychologically weaker than women, men are more likely to become psychotic or feel powerless in our increasingly alienating society. Rape makes rapers feel powerful.

This is where I want to take off from.

Men, generally do not feel powerful. There is nothing for millions of young men to do. Most of our talk of empowerment is intended for females.

There is no encouragement for boys and men to feel empowered, that is, powerful and confident. Boys are preached at to not disrespect girls, not to treat them as sex objects.

Yet girls are not reprimanded for the macho behavior so many girls exhibit. Girls are told they can be as sexual as they want at whatever age they want.

Girls are never told to dress modestly to prevent boys from becoming aroused and then aggressive. They are not told to be modest so boys have respect toward women and female sexuality.

Boys are told boys are the problem. Boys are told that by nature they do not, but ought to, respect women and girls.

Since the 1980s men at work and in college have been told they are potential rapists. Well-educated influential and powerful women preach about a culture of rape.

Preaching about a culture of rape breeds fear. Women who were cautious become terrified. Women who loved to go places alone stop going.

The women who feel the most empowered in America today are those who preach this culture of rape. If there had been no feminism,, they would have built a career talking about an epidemic of burglaries or the need for a huge militrary to fight terrorists.

Their lust to make others afraid has been successful. They’ve made young women afraid to trust men, but to depend on feminists. They have established laws that a man can be accused of rape or harrassment without evidence.

Men fear being charged with a sex crime they did not committ. Men are ashamed to smile at a woman or appear confident around women.

What used to be an expression of good will becomes a sexual advance. What used to be an act of courage is no longer considered the first step in a possible romance, but something that violates a woman’s privacy. That is why men feel disempowered and weak.

It is not surprising that rape is prevalent. The revenge that feminists seek on men is reciprocated by rapists seeking revenge on women.

I want my listeners to think for a moment. Suppose there is a frustrated angry man that is eager to lash out at a woman.

Suppose he hates what is boiling in him. Suppose he decides, “I need help.”

He wants to go to a counselor to talk about his sick desire. If he approaches a counselor, the counselor will call the police.

The police will arrest him. He will have a global positioning chip implanted in him. His photograph and name will be posted on the web.

He will be known all over the nation as a potential rapist. What should be praised as an act of common sense, courage and wisdom is turned against the man. Instead of moving forward he is forced backwards.

It is important if we want rape to end, to allow men to have more power. Work offers few opportunities to be powerful or feel powerful.

The place for men to feel powerful is in the home. The behavior of children, especially sons, must become the responsibility of the father.

But fathers are in a dilemma. They are told there is violence against women. They are told a child must not be spanked or hit because that is child abuse.

How are young men going to be respectful if they are raised without a father? If they have a father, how can they not help but be disrespectful if they and their fathers know that the father will not discipline them because he fears to be arrested for child abuse?

It is acceptable to accuse a man of a rape he did not commit and to label men potential rapists, but it is not legal to hit one’s obnoxious bullying disobedient child. This is not right.

I asked earlier why men commit this horrible crime. I do not think it has happened in a vacum. In the 1960s America’s middle class and upper middle class young people claimed that there was nothing immoral about their promiscuous lifestyle.

In the 1970s homosexuals were more promiscuous than the hippies. Homosexuals claimed to have a right to be promiscuous.

A snowball effect occurred. One could be permissive with each gender. An unmarried nineteen year old woman had no qualms about having a baby she could not support. One could have a sex change operation if one felt inadequate.

It makes sense. If so many groups were proud of their selfish lifestyles, then a warped man is going to have no qualms to do what he feels like doing.

We have to change society’s attitudes towards sex and violence. Abortions should be discouraged. Promiscuity must be looked down upon. Hollywood and the media must stop glorifying sex and violence. Homosexuality should not be glorified. Bisexuals need to be labelled wish-washy. A woman’s sexual freedom must end when she expects the government to pay for her baby.

What about properly convicted rapists? Jail them. Offer them no sympathy.

Most of you have heard the phrase No name. No shame. No blame. It applies to females who want to avoid responsibility for their fetus, or who feel they might hit their babies.

We need something like this for men who are in a rage and who are willing to try to stop their rage from causing violence. There must be counselling for men so men can express their pain, their horrible thoughts, feelings and desires without being reported to the police or presented to the media.

A final thing. Though feminism as a term is not dominant among young people, the influence of feminists remains stupendous.

Every man is perceivced by feminists to be a potential rapist. Consequently every man can be accused of rape under false or flimsy allegations.

As long as feminists write family law and rape law and set the agenda of what will be taught in schools, there will be the fear and shame and rage that causes men to rape. There will also be a fear of being raped that is blown out of proportion by women who love women and men to live in fear.

Good night.

Copyright © 2024 by David Vaszko

Saturday, February 10

Dear Jim,

My taxes are all done. I mailed them yesterday. I still do not do them online. I don’t trust android, and my PC is rebuilt. It was changed from Windows 7 to XP Pro then back to Windows 7, so I don’t know what might be in the computer looking for social security numbers to steal.

When my tablet finally wears out or my PC crashes, I will get a new PC to send my taxes electronically. It’s easier to type, then see what I entered on the screen, than to strain my eyes on a paper copy trying to read handwritten numbers. I’ve even thought of getting an accountant or hiring a tax preparing company so I don’t have to read the directions and strain my eyes.

Sis I has glaucoma. Dad got it a few years ago, but look how old he is. Our great uncle got it in his seventies. My eyes are beginning to get dry. I will go to the eye doctor in March or April. I will ask if I should be tested for glaucoma twice a year.

Oh our health! I really feel old. More people call me sir everyday. I wish I had dad’s body.

Last Sunday was the Super Bowl. I didn’t listen to it. I didn’t know the Eagles won until Wednesday. Sis II told me while she was driving home from dad’s. She said the announcers said that it was one of the best. But even so, I don’t want to read about it, look at photos of it, or watch the highlights. It’s too much hype.

I wonder if anyone is studying Super Bowl statistics and national trends to predict how long pro football and the Super Bowl will be as popular as they are. I think some year there will be a sudden drop in viewers.

The Super Bowl may be attracting more women and foreigners than thirty years ago, but today’s young people don’t follow football like we did. With concussions and x rays of the brain, fewer kids will play organized football. Ten years ago I think it was, before concussions were worried about, John Madden said high school football isn’t as popular as it used to be, so the NFL better do something to keep kids playing it.

I would love to see pro football go away. Don’t replace it with anything. Just have a peaceful Indian Summer, Fall, and early Winter. The stadiums could be turned into parks or housing or something.

Even though I think football is over-emphasized, it bothers me the smugness with which young people dismiss not just pro sports, but the game. It seems strange not to see boys and young men playing tackle football anymore.

Don’t young guys want to use their bodies? Don’t they like to get dirty, especially after the rain? Don’t they want to let off steam, pretend they are great, cuss up a storm? Don’t they want to swagger and be hot stuff when they win? Don’t they want to fantasize every Saturday afternoon, look down the field and up to the sky and dream?

These young guys I’m talking to you about are offended when I bring up football: “Did you see the game yesterday?” One guy said, “I could’t care less.” Another guy said, ”You mean the game with the dumb ball?” But none of them said ”No. Was it good?” or “No. But my cousin was really good in high school. He got a scholarship to an Ivy League school.”

There is a new consciousness in young people. They think they are morally superior for rejecting football, just like the hippies thought they were morally superior for rejecting the military.

But the young people who think football is bullshit think rectal intercourse and organ removals are on the cutting edge of morality and progressivism. Football is violent, but cruising and sex change operations are good ways for boys to express their manhood.

That’s really what I’m talking about. With football you don’t just express your manhood, you try to prove it. Don’t give up. Don’t complain about the ref. Don’t give cheap shots. Suck it up. Shake hands after the game. Be humble when you win. Don’t be bitter if you lose.

Cruising is an easy way to express your maleness, “the insatiable male lust” feminists never criticized gay guys for. The morally superior people of today who criticize the risk-taking of football players, placed plaques in parks for dead guys who died from countless indulgences in rectal intercorse.

The violence of football is better than the perversion of the bath house.

How heretical Jim!



Copyright © 2021 by David Vaszko